ARTEMIS project publications
The following link shows, and provides access to, the publications derived from the project:
¿What is the Artemis Project?
One of the essential technologies for deploying the Internet of Things (IoT) and for providing connected vehicle-related services is MEC (Multi-Access Edge Computing). In it, some of the cloud computing (cloud) resources are relocated from large datacenter to a hierarchy that extends to the edge of the radio access network (edge). This increases the processing capacity of the system as a whole and reduces service latency.
The ARTEMIS project explores the use of MEC in connected vehicle applications in metropolitan environments by focusing on two lines of action. First, planning mechanisms will be developed for a edge architecture to support such services. Second, strategies that allow a holistic control of the system will be proposed and analyzed, that is, that consider both the resources of the access and metropolitan networks, as well as those of distributed computing and storage. Special emphasis will be placed on the proposal for task delegation mechanisms (computation offloading), to decide which entity or entities will execute the tasks of a certain application, also considering the implications associated with vehicle mobility. Finally, a test of experimental concept will be carried out in the laboratory, on a case of use related to the automotive, and based on proposals developed in the project.
The contributions of the project in the configuration and operation of ICT infrastructures will allow a more efficient use of resources and the creation of new services. In addition, the project is supported by three companies, Telefónica R&D (network operator), Telnet RI (telecommunication equipment manufacturer) and Renault España (vehicle manufacturer), which will greatly facilitate the transfer of R&D results to the company.
The publications derived from the project can be found at this link:
Coordinator of the project
Dr. Ignacio de Miguel
Associate Professor (Titular de Universidad)
Address: ETS de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación UVa – Universidad de Valladolid Campus Miguel Delibes Paseo de Belén, 15 47011 – Valladolid (España)
Phone: +34 983 18 55 74
Fax: +34 983 423 667 E-Mail:
Contact Information
Ignacio de Miguel
Number assigment: VA231P20
Project Duration: 01/11/2020 – 31/10/2023
Funding by: Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional Referencia: VA0231P20 Total budget (€): 264.000. (Orden EDU/1192/2020, de 4 de noviembre, “B. O. C. y L.” de 6 de noviembre). Number assigment: VA231P20